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2014-2015 Grants Funded
Thanks to the generous support from our community, the Woodstock Education Foundation funded the following grants during the 2014-2015 school year:
WMS Grades 7 & 8 Ukulele/Guitar Program
WMS Math Olympiad
WMS Public Speaking
WMS Grade 8 Mark Twain House Presentation
WMS National Geographic Geography Bee
WMS Grade 7 Presentations by Historic New England: Revolutionary War Unit
WMS Grade 8 Civil War Week
WES Grade 3 CT Odyssey of the Mind
WES Grade 2 CT Historical Society: Colonial Times
WMS Grades 7 & 8 Mathcounts Program
WES Pre-K Southwick Zoomobile
WES Grade 1 CT Historical Society: Native Americans Program
WES Grade 3 CT Historical Society: History Detectives- Native American Life
WMS Grade 8 Arlington Cemetery Visit during Washington DC Trip
WES Grade 4 Published Author Gail Gauthier Visit
WES Grade 1 Visit to Southwick Zoo
WMS Grade 6 Social Studies Program
WMS Grade 7 Shakespeare Production
WMS Drama Club: “Into The Woods Jr” Musical
WES Summer Program scholarships
WMS Grades 7 & 8 Mystic Aquarium Squid Dissection
WMS Grade 7 Invertebrate Dissection Program
WMS Grade 8 History Date
WMS Grade 8 Newseum visit during Washington DC trip
WES Grade 4 Exploration of the three branches of government
WES Grade 4 Writing Experience National Novel Writing
WMS Destiny Africa Music program
WES Grade 4 Science Explore Ecosystems